Establishment of The Jamia Qasim ul Uloom
The foundation stone of the Jamia Qasim Ul loom was laid on August 17,1937 by spirtual personalities like Hazrat Maulana fazal Muhammad(R.A),Hazrat Maulana Syed Ata-Ullah Shah Bukhari(R.A) the leader of the Ahrar Hazrat Maulana Habib-ur-Rahman Ludhianvi(R.A) and the Sheikh-ut-Tafseer Hazrat Maulana Ahamd Ali Lahori.This institution has been maintaining its high standard of teaching and good management since its establishment.Numerous local and foreign communication medias have broadcast and published special features about this Jamia and its library.The Jamia is situated at approx the area of eight acres.At this centre of the learnings of Prophethood,special attention is paid to the character training and morality of the students besides education and trainnig.That's why;this institution looked with reverence by every school of thought.It is considered one of the greatest religious institution of the country.
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