Department of the Dars-e-Nizami:
The Department of the Dars-e-Nizami (CUN) This is the most important and the central department of the Jamia in which education to Shahadat-ul-Alimia(win, )(M.A Arabic and M.A. Islamiat) is given according to the syllabus of the"Wafaq-ul-Madaris-ul-Arabia.” Besides this the students are prepared for the F.A and B.A examinations.
Tahfeez-ul-Quran and Qirat:
In this department,Tajweed (uttering of letter withreference to the organs of speech)is given besidesmemorization of the HolyQuran.The students who memorise the Holy Quran have to repeat and revise the Holy Quran for one year.Nazirah department:
In this department,the children are taught the Holy Quran orally with correct accent,intonation and pronunciation besides giving them education upto primary.
Department of Tahfeez upto element level:
In this department, the students who qualify the primary level are taught upto Elementary basides memorsing the Holy Quran in four years.
I.T. Centre:
In this department,different short courses of the Computer are taught besides religious eucation.
Model High School:
The School of the Jamia's a very distinguished type of school with reference to its special education and training.It aims at making the young students prominent scientists, doctors, engineers and research scholars who may play an important role in serving the country and the nation.Regular science education is given in this school.The students of this school have scored prominent success in the Matric, Elementary and Primary examinations and have always stood first among the students of the city.
It seems like a historical institution